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Don’t tell Facebook what you like, tell Twitter


There seems to be a lot to like technically about the announcements at Facebook’s f8 conference, especially for a Semantic Web aficionado. But I won’t have anything to do with it as a user. Along with the usual “your privacy is our toy” subtext, I really don’t like the lack of data portability. “Web 2.0” is starting to look a lot like “AOL 2.0”. Here is a better way to do it.

Taking the new “like” button as a simple example, I’d much rather tell Twitter what I like than Facebook. A simple #like hashtag in a tweet can be used to express positive feelings for what the tweet describes. Here is a quick list of the many advantages of this approach over the newly-introduced Facebook “like” feature.

It’s public

Your tweets are available to all. Your Facebook profile can still consume them, so if you think Facebook does the best job at organizing this information about you and your friends you can still go there to view the results. But other applications and networks can tap into the same data, so you can also benefits from innovation coming out of companies which do not want to be Facebook sharecroppers.

It’s publicly public

By which I mean that there is no pretense of privacy and no nasty surprise when trust is violated. Which is going to happen again and again. Especially when it’s not just a matter of displaying data but also of inferring new information based on the raw data collected. At which point it’s almost impossible to segregate access to the derived information based on the privacy settings of the individual data pieces. On Twitter, it’s all public, we all know it from the start, and as such we’re not fooled into sharing more than we should. See the fallacy of privacy settings.

It works on all things

Rather than only being on a web page, you can use a #like hashtag to describe any URI (dereferenceable or not) or even plain text. Just like RDF allows the value of an attribute to be either a URI or a scalar value (string, number…). For example, you can express that you like a quote or a verse of a poem by including them directly in the tweet. It’s not as identifiable as something that has a URI, but it can still be part of your profile. And smart consumers of this data might still be able to do some processing on it (e.g. recognizing it as a line from a song).

It can still be 1-click

You don’t necessarily have to copy/paste a URL (or text) into twitter. A web site can still do this for you, as long as it has your permission to post on your behalf. With that approach, it looks exactly like the Twitter “like” button to the user. You don’t have to be a Twitter user, just to have a Twitter account. No need for a Twitter client or to visit the Twitter web site if you don’t want to. It’s also OK if you have zero followers, Twitter is just a technical conduit in this approach.

It can evolve

The success of Twitter is also the success of self-organization as illustrated by the emergence of @replies, #hashtags and RT, directly form the users. Rather than having Facebook decide what verbs make sense to allow users to express their thoughts on the Web, let people decide and see what verbs emerge (e.g. to describe what you like, dislike, are curious about, are considering buying, etc). The only thing we need is an understanding that the hashtag qualifies the user’s attitude towards what’s described by the rest of the tweet. Or maybe hashtags should not be reused for this, maybe we need a new breed, “semtags” (semantic tags), with a different syntax, e.g. “^like”. This way you can semtag a hashtag, e.g. “^like #nyc” might replace “I ♥ NY” on twitter feeds (and tee shirts). It can be as simple or as complex as needed, based on what sticks in the real world. Nerds like me will try to qualify it (e.g. “^!like” for “I don’t like”) and might even come up with ontologies (^love subClassOf ^like). These experiences will probably fail and that’s fine. Evolution strives on failures.

It is transparent

Even if you let a site write these messages on your twitter feed, you can see exactly what goes on. There is no secret channel as with Facebook. The fact that it goes on your Twitter timeline acts as a validation, ensuring that only relevant, human-readable messages get added to your profile. Which is the only way in which we can maintain control of our profile information. If sites start to send too much information or opaque information you’ll see it. And so will your followers. This will put pressure on sites to make the posted data sparse and meaningful, because they know that their users won’t want to scare away their followers with social spam. See, for example, how the outcries over foursquare spam seem to have forced a clean-up (or at least so it looks to me, but maybe it’s just because I’ve unfollowed the spammers). Keeping social profiling on a human scale is a bug, not a feature.

It is persisted in many places

Who do you think is more likely to be around in 20 years, Facebook or the Library of Congress? Tweets are archived in many places, including Twitter itself, of course, but also Google, Bing and the Library of Congress. Plus, it’s very easy for you to set up a system to save all your tweets. Even if Twitter disappears, all the data in your profile that was built from your tweets will still be around. And if Google, Bing and the Library of Congress all go dark before Facebook, well that’s fine because the profile data from your tweets can be there too.

In effect, you should think of Facebook as a repository and Twitter as a stream. Don’t publish directly to one repository. Publish to a stream and benefit from all the repositories and other consumers that tap into it. It’s a well-known enterprise integration pattern (message bus), but it’s not just good for enterprise applications.

In fact, more than Twitter itself it’s this pattern that I want to encourage. Twitter is just the most obvious implementation, at this time, of a profile data bus. It already has almost everything we need (though a more fine-grained authorization model, or a delegated authorization model, would make me more likely to allow sites to tweet on my behalf). What matters is the switch from social networks owning data to you owning your data and social networks competing on how much value they can deliver to you based on the data. For example, LinkedIn might be the best for work connections, Facebook for personal connections, Google for brute search/retrieval of information, etc. I don’t want to maintain different profile data and privacy settings for each of them. I have one global privacy settings, which controls what I share with the world. Based on this, I want these sites to compete on the value they provide to me. It may not be what Facebook wants, but if what works best for us.

If you like this proposal, you know what you have to do. Go ahead and tweet:

^like https://stage.vambenepe.com/archives/1464

Or just retweet it.

[UPDATED 2010/5/6: See the next post for some clarifications.]

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